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Sometimes I have nothing to say…

Nothing to see here...

I feel that as a food blogger (ack! I said it!) I am expected to have a lot of funny anecdotes and tons of preamble leading up to the recipe I’m posting. But sometimes I really do not have anything to say about the recipe. Was it tasty, yummy, delicious? You betcha!

But not all of my recipes have a story other than I was hungry and had those ingredients in my refrigerator so I came up with whatever it was I was posting. Does that make me a bad food blogger? I’m not sure, but I really don’t care. I enjoy the recipe creation portion of the blog and sometimes enjoy writing about the history of a recipe, if there really is one.

I’m not even sure anyone out there cares (other than maybe a few of my friends and family) where the recipe came from or how it came to be. I know that when I am looking up recipes that I usually will just glaze over (sorry!) the blog portion of the post and go straight to the recipe itself. I guess that’s why sometimes you will see just one or two sentences and then BAM! The recipe. No fanfare, no buildup, no 20 pictures of the slow progression. Just the recipe and enough intro so that it will show up on search engines.

I am trying to stay true to my goal on this blog which is this:

  • Get a full and tested record of all our family recipes with pictures; and
  • Create a new recipe platform for storing and recording recipes to make it easier for me and my family to contribute.

So, in staying true to that goal, I will not hold back on submitting recipes that I enjoy that may not be ‘pretty’, or ‘earth shattering’, or ‘awe-inspiring’. They are real recipes made in my kitchen for my family.

The other thing to realize is that some food bloggers will spend a lot of time preparing their dish and photographing it. I get 10 minutes tops to get the photographs I need for my dishes, mostly because it’s late and it’s dinner time. Everyone is hungry so just take the pictures so we can eat already! Yep. I am lucky if I have a clean space to take the pictures.

Sometimes the pictures just aren’t taken because we are in too much of a rush. Oh well, maybe next time I’ll take the picture.

So, I’m sorry if all my posts aren’t ‘amazing’ and that not all the pictures are ‘beautiful’, but they all come from the heart and are things I made in my kitchen for my friends and family.

Thank you for listening to me ramble. I really do hope you enjoy the recipes here on Dish Ditty Recipes and that you will like and share the recipes with your friends and family.

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